Your guide to changing career and becoming a Freelance Social Media Manager

Embracing a career change, especially in your 30s or 40s, might feel daunting. However, the need for freelance social media managers continues to rise, and women of all ages are finding success by retraining for this flexible career.

In this guide, we’ll explore the steps and considerations for women looking to make a fulfilling shift and become a successful freelance social media manager.

Leverage your transferable skills

It’s important to recognise and leverage the skills you’ve already acquired in life. Whether they are from a previous career or from being mum. Skills such as negotiation, communication, organisation, and project management are valuable assets for any social media manager. Plus your unique experience and skills are what will set you apart as a Freelance Social Media Manager.

Update your online presence

It’s important to highlight all your transferable skills online. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and showcases your expertise, include any career gaps and don’t hide the fact you have taken time away from the workplace to raise your family. Make it clear you’re now a freelance social media manager across all of your social media accounts, a well-crafted online presence can significantly boost your chances of catching the eye of potential clients.

Fill the gaps in your knowledge

Identify any gaps in your skill set and take steps to bridge them. This might involve taking courses on particular social media platforms or learning how use new software. You’ll also want to take the time to research current trends and best practices in the world of social media and keep up with the latest features.


Attend local networking events, join relevant online communities, and connect with your ideal clients both on and offline. Networking can help to get yourself in front of potential clients and spread the word about what you do. Also tell everyone you know about your career change (even the mums on the school run) you never know who they may recommend you to.

Build a strong personal brand

It’s important to have a presence on any social media platform where your ideal client hangs out. You then need to create content that will appeal to them but also reflects your personal brand. As a freelance Social Media Manager clients will be working directly with you and a strong personal brand can help them get to know you and attract clients with shared values and interests.

Overcome Challenges

Acknowledge that challenges may arise when changing career and becoming a freelance social media manager. Whether it’s imposter syndrome or the fear of the unknown, be prepared to face and overcome these challenges. Seek support from your network, find yourself a mentor and stay focused on the reasons you decided to make the career change in the first place.

Retraining as a freelance social media manager in your 30s or 40s is a bold step toward a more fulfilling and flexible career. By leveraging all your skills, continuously learning, and building a supportive network, you can successfully navigate this transition.

Remember, it’s never too late to reinvent yourself and build a business you can be proud of!

If you’d like all the training and support needed to make this career change a success, find out more about how we can help here.

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